加利福尼亚州圣何塞 - (商业资讯) -
KLA-Tencor Corporation (NASDAQ:KLAC) today announced the results of its tender offer to acquire ICOS Vision Systems Corporation NV (Euronext: IVIS). KLA-Tencor is the leading supplier of wafer front-end inspection and metrology solutions to the global semiconductor industry; ICOS is a leading supplier of packaging and interconnect inspection solutions for the semiconductor industry, and has a market leadership position in the inspection of photovoltaic solar technologies and LED lighting products.
The acceptance period for the tender offer ended on Monday, May 19, 2008 at 4 p.m. (Central European Time). At the close of the initial acceptance period for the takeover bid, 10,250,802 shares of ICOS had been tendered, constituting 96.03% of the outstanding shares of ICOS. The shares tendered into the bid during this initial acceptance period are expected to be settled on May 30, 2008.
"We are bringing together two long-standing leaders in separate but complementary segments of the semiconductor capital-equipment industry to extend our leadership as the world's best process control company," said Rick Wallace, CEO of KLA-Tencor Corporation. "By combining our complementary strengths to provide differentiated technical solutions, we are well positioned to provide even greater value for our customers, expand our product and service offerings as well as pursue new opportunities for growth."
如招股说明书中所述,因为KLA-Tencor(通过其全资子公司)将持有ICOS股票的95%以上,因此它将以相同的条款重新开放收购,以便进行挤压。- 根据第513条,《公司法典》第1条和2007年4月27日的《皇家法令》第42条有关收购竞标,beplay官网ued以获取所有ICOS股票和2002年的逮捕令(但不是2007年的选项)尚未招标。
有关要约和相关接受程序的其他详细信息在与要约有关的招股说明书中列出。该招股说明书可在KBC证券,KBC银行,CBC Banque或电话+32 3 283 29 70(KBC Telecenter)或0800/92020(CBC Banque)和Petercam的柜台免费提供。招股说明书的电子版本(包括接受表)可在以下网站上找到:www.kbcsecurity.be,,,,www.kbc.be,,,,www.cbcbanque.be,,,,www.petercam.be和m.lisalozano.com。
About KLA-Tencor: KLA-Tencor is the world leader in yield management and process control solutions for semiconductor manufacturing and related industries. Headquartered in San Jose, California, KLA-Tencor has sales and service offices around the world. An S&P 500 company, KLA-Tencor is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol KLAC. Additional information about KLA-Tencor is available at//m.lisalozano.com。
免责声明:除了CBFA,没有另外一些er authority in any other jurisdiction has approved the prospectus (including any supplement thereto). This approval does not entail an assessment of the suitability or quality of the bid or any possible squeeze-out. The bid is made only in Belgium and the United States, and no steps have been or will be taken with a view to obtaining authorization to distribute the prospectus in countries other than Belgium and the United States.
前瞻性陈述:本新闻稿中的陈述除了历史事实以外的其他事实,例如有关交易可能导致的潜在利益和协同作用的陈述,投标中预期的和解日期的预期和解日期以及重新开放的预期时间出价,是前瞻性陈述,受1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》制定的安全港规定的约束。这些前瞻性陈述基于当前的信息和期望,涉及许多风险和不确定性。由于各种因素,实际结果可能与此类陈述中预测的结果有所不同,包括但不限于与对公司各自产品线的需求相关的因素;产品开发工作的结果;产品产品在这些市场中客户所需的时间表中的成功率成功;拟议中的收购中断,使与客户,供应商和员工保持关系变得更加困难;未能从拟议的收购中获取并保留预期的协同作用;意外的延误资金的可转让性,准备时间和批准与重新开放出价或其他因素有关的任何文件的批准。对于可能导致实际结果与本新闻稿中前瞻性陈述的预期和预期的其他因素,请参阅该公司在截至2007年6月30日的年度10-K年度报告中的年度报告,随后提交了季度报告beplay官网ued在向证券交易委员会提交的第10 Q和其他文件(包括但不限于其中描述的风险因素)上。
资料来源:KLA-Tencor Corporation
Released May 20, 2008