KLA Introduces Two New Systems that Take On Semiconductor Manufacturing's Toughest Problems
PWG5™攻击3D NAND流程问题,而SurfScan®SP7XP处理3nm逻辑缺陷
米尔帕提塔斯,加利福尼亚州,12月10日,2020年12月10日/ - 今天beplay体育下载2(NASDAQ: KLAC) announced two new products: thePWG5™ wafer geometry系统和冲浪士®SP7.XPwafer defect inspection system. The new systems are designed to address exceedingly difficult issues in the manufacture of leading-edge memory and logic integrated circuits.
堆放越来越高,比如分子摩天大楼,the most capable flash memory is built in an architecture called 3D NAND. Today's 96-layer top-of-the line memory chips, already on the market in the most advanced mobile devices, will soon be superseded by 3D NAND structures with 128 or more layers in the ongoing quest for increased space-efficiency and cost-effectiveness. To manufacture these complex structures requires depositing hundreds of thin films of multiple materials, and then creating memory cells by etching and filling holes several microns deep and one-hundredth of a micron across. As these film stacks grow higher, they induce stress on the wafer, ultimately distorting the surface planarity of the wafer. These warped wafers impact the uniformity of downstream processes and patterning integrity, ultimately affecting final device performance and yield. ThePWG5 metrology systemcan measure minute distortions of wafer geometry with unprecedented resolution to identify and correct patterned wafer distortion at the source. Moreover, these critical wafer geometry measurements can now be accomplished for large warp ranges at inline speeds.
“3D NAND的复杂多层建设将晶圆几何测量传达到了最前沿,”克拉海浪司公司总经理Jijen Vazhaeparambil说。“我们的新图案晶圆几何系统,PWG5具有灵敏度,可以同时测量晶片前侧和背面的平面度的任何偏差。其首先是一种内联速度和卓越的分辨率支持不仅是3D nand,还有高级DRAM和逻辑应用。与KLA的耦合5D分析仪®data analytics system,PWG5帮助我们的客户推动决策,例如晶圆重新工作,过程工具重新校准,或者警告光刻系统,以便应用最佳的图案化校正。PWG5系统在过程控制中起着关键作用,有助于增加先进的内存和逻辑产量,性能和FAB盈利能力。“
On the leading-edge logic side of the semiconductor industry, high volume manufacturing of 5nm node devices is rising while the 3nm node is under development.* EUV lithography has become nearly universal for the most critical layers within these nodes, and device manufacturing is further complicated by novel geometries like finFET or gate all around (GAA) transistor architectures. Patterning such small, complex features in a repeatable way, billions of times across a wafer, requires exquisite defectivity control, including use of unpatterned wafer inspectors for careful qualification of starting substrates and materials, and frequent monitoring of processes and tools. The new冲浪士SP7XP未饰化的晶圆缺陷检查系统具有灵敏度和吞吐量的进步,并引入基于机器学习的缺陷分类,这些缺陷分类在一起,使甚至更广泛地识别和识别更广泛的橡皮布薄膜和基板类型的甚至更广泛的缺陷类型,而不是基准冲浪镜SP7。
vazhaearambil补充说:“冲浪的设计团队不仅专注于支持敏感性和缺陷分类的技术进步,还专注于提高所有权成本。”结果,Surfscan SP7XP表示来自R&D的未绘图的晶片检查应用的单刀具解决方案,以高批量制造前沿设计节点基板和器件。它正在使用硅晶片制造商,半导体设备制造商开发无缺陷的过程,以及用于确保进入晶片,工艺和刀具质量的半导体Fab。
To maintain their high performance and productivity, Surfscan SP7XPand PWG5 systems are backed byKLA's global comprehensive service network. For more information about the technology advances that enable the PWG5 and Surfscan SP7XP系统的新功能,并读取超出此处描述的系统的应用程序,访问KLA Advance编辑部。
SurfScan和5D分析仪是KLA Corporation的注册商标。beplay体育下载2
KLA Corporation develops industry-leading equipment and services that enable innovation throughout the electronics industry. We provide advanced process control and process-enabling solutions for manufacturing wafers and reticles, integrated circuits, packaging, printed circuit boards and flat panel displays. In close collaboration with leading customers across the globe, our expert teams of physicists, engineers, data scientists and problem-solvers design solutions that move the world forward. Additional information may be found atkla.com.(klac-p)。
Statements in this press release other than historical facts, such as statements regarding the expected performance of the Surfscan SP7XP和PWG5系统和薄片,设备,材料和芯片制造设施的缺陷减少的经济影响是前瞻性陈述,并受到1995年私营证券诉讼改革法案所产生的安全港规定。这些前瞻性陈述基于当前的信息和期望,并涉及风险和不确定性。由于各种因素,实际结果可能与在此类陈述中预测的那些结果有所不同,包括采用新技术的延误(无论是由于成本或绩效问题还是其他方式),其他公司的竞争产品或意外的技术挑战或限制影响KLA产品的实施,绩效或使用,以及KLA截至截至2020年6月30日止年度截至2012年6月30日止年度的年度报告中的其他风险因素,截至9月30日截至9月30日截至9月30日季度的季度10-Q季度报告,2020年和其他文件由KLA与证券交易委员会(包括但不限于其中所述风险因素)。KLA假设没有义务,目前尚未打算更新这些前瞻性陈述。