


Dear MaryBeth:

I am pleased to offer you the opportunity and challenge to join the KLA team. As Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary, based in KLA’s Ann Arbor, Michigan office, you will work under my direction. The details of your employment offer are as follows:

BASE SALARY :$500,000.00 annualized; paid bi-weekly at approximately $19,230.77

FLSA状态 Exempt

HIRING BONUS You will be paid a hiring bonus in the gross amount of $350,000.00 which amount will become fully earned if you continue your employment with KLA Corporation (“KLA” or the “beplay官网ued公司”) for twenty-four (24) continuous months following your first day of work (“有效雇用日期”)。 此奖金的付款将在您有效租用日期后的三十(30)天内支付,但要缴税。如果您在有效雇用日期的二十四(24)个月内(自愿或出于任何其他原因减少武力或重组之外)的工作结束,在您完全赚取所有奖金之前,您将被要求立即以主比例为基础报销KLA 高级奖金的未获得部分支付给您。通过在下面签署,您明确同意在终止日期的两(2)周内全额支付任何余额。

限制股票单位: 根据公司的股本激励计划,将在下一个董事会薪酬委员会会议上建议您获得限制性股票单位beplay官网ued (“RSUs”) KLA股票的估计价值为$ 3,000,000.00。这些RSU应受到归属的约束(目前预计将在奖励日期的第1、2、2、2、2和第三年度周年纪念日中归属三分之一,但截至适用的归属日期,您会持续就业。根据公司实践,薪酬委员会审查并确定实际beplay官网ued股权奖励 RSU的数量将基于赠款之日的KLAC收盘价。您将收到该奖项的通知 ,,,, 赔偿委员会批准后30天内的赠款日期以及赠款的条款和条件。任何此类裁决将受到适用的赠款文件和2004年股权激励计划的条款,因为可以不时修改公司beplay官网ued ' s sole discretion.

执行长期激励措施: You will be eligible to participate in the KLA annual Executive LongTerm Incentive Plan, with an initial target value of $1,100,000 00.该初步建议将在2021年8月1日左右审查。

EXECUTIVE INCENTIVE BONUS: You will be eligible to earn an annual incentive bonus based on a bonus target of 80% of your base salary 任何奖金的金额将基于每个计划年度早期建立的计划的绩效 任何要支付的奖金将每年支付一次,您必须在支出之日担任雇员才能获得此激励奖金。请注意,员工必须在10月1日或之前处于合格职位,才能有资格参加当年的行政激励奖金计划。当前执行激励奖金计划的副本附加了审查。

健康与福利福利 :You will be eligible for the health and welfare benefits generally available to U.S. employees in a like job position. You will need to enroll in U S.在开始日期的31天内福利 Benefit coverage is contingent upon you having a val i D美国社会保险号( SSN ”)。如果您在开始日期的31天内没有有效的美国SSN,则可能会延迟卫生和福利计划下的承保范围。所有好处始终受到资格要求和任何相关计划文件的其他条款的约束,并且会不时更改公司。beplay官网ued ' S酌处权。

搬迁 :KLA will engage a Relocation Service Provider to manage your move from [**] to the Ann Arbor, MI area 提供了KLA搬迁摘要表的副本,作为可能包括的服务的示例。在接受KLA的就业提议后,将由公司的搬迁服务提供商与您联系,并收到一封定制的信件,指定您的搬迁套餐的条款。beplay官网ued除非本信中另有说明或美国全球流动性小组的书面概述,否则不会提供其他搬迁费用。搬迁安排预计将在您有效的雇用日期开始或之前开始。预计您将在有效的租赁日期开始从密歇根州安阿伯市的安阿伯(Ann Arbor)工作。

Relocation Expenses are regulated by the Internal Revenue Service ( IRS ”)。根据国税局指南,搬迁应在有效租用日期以来的一(1)年内完成。该时间表的任何例外都必须由美国全球移动小组以书面形式进行审查和批准。

如果您在公司生效后连续二十四(24)个月继续工作,则搬迁福利将获得完全赚钱beplay官网ued i re Date. In the event that your employment with KLA ends within twenty-four (24) months of your Effective Hire Date, either voluntarily or for 除了减少武力或重组之外,任何其他原因,您都将要求您立即以亲比拉的基础来偿还KLA,无论是直接支付给您还是代表您支付,都需要搬迁所支付的款项中的未兑现部分。通过在下面签署,您明确同意在终止日期的两(2)周内全额支付任何余额。

TERMINATION WITHIN THE FIRST 12 MONTHS :如果您无故终止(如下所述),则在有效租用日期后十二(12)个月内,KLA将向您支付遣散费,总额为$ 900,000.00,等于基础的一(1)年薪金加上目标年度激励奖金的支出,并放弃偿还评价的招聘奖金和搬迁福利(总的来说,“ Severance Pay and Benefits ”)。Receipt of the Severance Pay and Benefits summarized herein is contingent upon your execution of a general release of claims in favor of KLA, to be prepared by KLA (the Release ”) ,,,, within sixty (60) days following your separation date. Payment of the severance will be made in lump sum, less applicable deductions and withholdings ,,,, within fourteen (14) days following the effectiveness of the Release or as soon thereafter as reasonably practicable. You will not be entitled to any other severance pay or benefits, including under the KLA Corporation Tier 2 Severance Benefits Plan and Summary Plan Description - January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020 or any other severance plan established during the relevant period.

“Cause” shall mean conviction of or plea of nolo contendere to any felony or any cr i 我涉及道德堕落;委员会的交流t or omission involving dishonesty or fraud with respect to the Company or the Company's customers, vendors or suppliers; misappropriation of Company funds or assets for personal use; breach of any 物质公司政策或就业beplay官网ued期限(包括从事非法骚扰或非法歧视的参与);持续忽视了公司的书面通知后继续履行职责或不令人满意的绩效;beplay官网ued对公司履行职责的严重过失或故意不当行为;beplay官网ued或从事违反公司对保密,使用或披露专有信息或利益冲突的行为。beplay官网ued

The offer of Severance Pay and Benefits if terminated, without Cause, during the first twelve (12) months of employment does not alter the at-will nature of your employment.

会就业: KLA的工作是随意的。因此,您可以随时出于任何原因或无缘无故辞职。同样,KLA可能会随时与您结束与您的就业关系,无论有无理由,并且没有任何高级通知。本文没有任何东西可以保证您在任何特定日期继续就业的权利。这封信包含您和公司之间就您的就业性质的全部协议beplay官网ued该专门指出了修改意志期限的意图。


This offer is contingent upon the approval of the Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors, and the satisfactory completion of a background and reference check.

U.S. immigration law requires that employers verify each individual's eligibility to work in the U.S., including U.S. citizens. Your employment offer is contingent upon you providing satisfactory proof of identity and authorization to work in the U.S. within three (3) business days of your Effective Hire Date. A list of acceptable documents for this purpose may be found at https://www.uscis.gov/i-9 on pages 8-11 of the Form 1-9 Instructions. Please bring the appropriate documentation on your first day of work. In addition, the U.S. Export Administration Regulations restrict the transfer of certain technology out of the U.S., as well as the release of certain technology to foreign persons even if they are in the U.S. This offer of employment is contingent upon receipt of an export license from the U.S. Department of Commerce, if required.



I am convinced that you will be an asset to KLA and hope you will find many opportunities to grow both professionally and personally.

If you have any questions concerning this offer of employment, please feel free to contact me. We look forward to you joining KLA.


/ S/ Rick Wallace

Rick Wallace
President and Chief Executive Officer

By my signature directly below, I accept the offer of employment with KLA Corporation on the terms and conditions described above. In particular, I accept the terms of the relocation benefits and hiring bonus described above and understand that I will be obligated to repay, on a pro-rata basis, any portion of such benefits and bonus that may be unearned if I leave KLA within twenty-four (24) months of my Effective Hire Date.

Accepted by: /s/ MaryBeth Wilkinson 日期: 2020年8月20日

