展览99.1 KLA-TENCOR宣布减少在2001年第三季度营收和每股收益预期圣何塞,加州——(业务线)——3月19日,2001年,KLA-TENCOR今天宣布,预计第三季度的财务业绩截至3月31日,2001年在其盈利低于预期提供电话会议在1月17日,2001年。KLA-Tencor公司定于2001年4月18日(星期三)股市收盘后公布第三季度业绩。“整个季度,半导体行业的业务基本面持续恶化,”该公司总裁兼首席执行官肯•施罗德(Ken Schroeder)表示。“大多数半导体部门的终端市场需求放缓和全球经济增长放缓导致半导体芯片库存过剩,导致我们的客户推迟原有订单的设备交付,并推迟额外资本设备支出的订单计划。我们预计第二季度的收入和每股收益将低于电话会议中给出的指导。”本季度的收入预计将比5.7 - 5.8亿美元的指导值低8-10%,扣除非经常性费用后的每股收益预计也将低于2001年1月17日第二季度收益电话会议中给出的0.58美元指导值。Schroeder继续说道:“尽管行业周期性低迷的程度和持续时间尚不清楚,但公司将继续致力于研发,以支持其关键战略项目。beplay官网ued不过,我们将继续采取必要措施,减少其他领域的支出结构,以反映预期收入的下降。”前瞻性声明:本新闻稿中的以下声明均为前瞻性声明,并受1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》创建的安全港条款约束:关于收入和每股收益指导的报表,市场前景的变化,以及公司未来关于费用削减和支出水平承诺的意图。beplay官网ued These forward-looking statements are based on current information and expectations, and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those projected in such statements due to various factors, including but not limited to: changes in anticipated orders by customers; the timing of shipments or acceptances; changes in the company's overall expense structure; and new and enhanced product offerings by competitors. For other factors that may cause actual results to differ from those projected, please refer to the company's Form 10-K, Forms 10-Q and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. KLA-Tencor Corporation is the world leader in yield management and process control solutions for semiconductor manufacturing and related industries. The Company offers a broad portfolio of systems for inspection, metrology, and data analysis, as well as yield management services. KLA-Tencor is traded on the Nasdaq National Market under the symbol KLAC. Additional information on the Company is available on the Internet at m.lisalozano.com.