Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)

Litigation and Other Legal Matters

Litigation and Other Legal Matters
3 Months Ended
Sep. 30, 2016
加利福尼亚的班级行动。 关于2015年10月21日合并交易的公告 four 据称,KLA-Tencor股东代表所有KLA-Tencor股东提出了推定的集体诉讼。 行动是在加州优越的场地t for Santa Clara County and are captioned, Hedgecock诉Kla-Tencor Corp.等人,等等 案号115CV287329, Karr诉KLA-Tencor Corporation等。 , 115号cv287331,(包括申请10月28日,2015) and Spoleto Corp.诉Wallace等人, 案号115CV289552(于2015年12月29日提交)(统称为“加利福尼亚班级”)。原告 hedgecock Karr 诉讼于2015年12月21日提起了投诉。加利福尼亚集体诉讼所有名称KLA-Tencor,KLA-Tencor董事会成员,LAM Research,Merger Sub 1和Merger Sub 2(与Merger Sub 1和Lam Research一起,“ LAM集团”)作为被告。加利福尼亚集体诉讼称,KLA-Tencor委员会成员违反了其信托职责,除其他外,促使KLA-Tencor同意以不公平的价格与LAM集团合并交易,并根据不公平的程序和不公平的程序,并且通过进行有关交易具有重大误导的披露。原告声称,LAM集团有助于并教the这种违规行为。除其他救济外,原告寻求禁止或撤销KLA-Tencor与LAM集团的交易,以及赔偿损害赔偿和律师费的裁决。
特拉华州法院集体诉讼。 One putative class action was filed on November 10, 2015, in the Court of Chancery in the State of Delaware and is captioned, Rooney诉Wallace等。 ,第11700号案件。2015年12月23日,原告鲁尼提起了修正的投诉。这 鲁尼 action was filed against the members of the KLA-Tencor Board and similar to the California Class Actions alleges that the members of the KLA-Tencor Board breached their fiduciary duties by, among other things, causing KLA-Tencor to agree to a merger transaction with Lam Research at an unfair price and pursuant to an unfair process, and by making disclosures concerning the transaction that are materially misleading. Plaintiff Rooney seeks to enjoin or rescind KLA-Tencor’s transaction with Lam Research, as applicable, as well as an award of attorneys’ fees, in addition to other relief.
原则上协议解决与合并有关的诉讼。 在2015年12月29日左右,原告人 four actions agreed to coordinate and proceed in the California Superior Court. On February 5, 2016, an agreement in principle was reached with the plaintiffs in the 鲁尼 行动, hedgecock 动作和 Spoleto 解决这些行动的行动。根据签署的谅解备忘录中规定的原则上的协议,当事方同意解决有争议的法律索赔和KLA-Tencor,Lam同意对拟议合并进行某些补充披露,如8--中规定KLA-Tencor于2016年2月5日提交的K。这些诉讼中没有任何被告承认任何形式的不当行为,包括任何披露中有任何不足,任何违反信托义务,或任何辅助义务,前面的。2016年2月17日,加利福尼亚高等法院驳回了 Karr 根据当事方的规定行动。
鉴于合并协议的终止,KLA-Tencor讨论了解雇 鲁尼 , hedgecock , 和 Spoleto 与原告的行动。
这Company is named from time to time as a party to lawsuits and other types of legal proceedings and claims in the normal course of its business. Actions filed against the Company include commercial, intellectual property, customer, and labor and employment related claims, including complaints of alleged wrongful termination and potential class action lawsuits regarding alleged violations of federal and state wage and hour and other laws. In general, legal proceedings and claims, regardless of their merit, and associated internal investigations (especially those relating to intellectual property or confidential information disputes) are often expensive to prosecute, defend or conduct and may divert management’s attention and other company resources. Moreover, the results of legal proceedings are difficult to predict, and the costs incurred in litigation can be substantial, regardless of outcome. The Company believes the amounts provided in its condensed consolidated financial statements are adequate in light of the probable and estimated liabilities. However, because such matters are subject to many uncertainties, the ultimate outcomes are not predictable, and there can be no assurances that the actual amounts required to satisfy alleged liabilities from the matters described above will not exceed the amounts reflected in the Company’s condensed consolidated financial statements or will not have a material adverse effect on its results of operations, financial condition or cash flows.